3's & 4's Learning Goals
Domain #1: Approaches to Learning
Emotional and Behavioral Self-Regulation
P-ATL 1 Child manages emotions with increasing independence
P-ATL 2 Child follows classroom rules and routines with increasing independence
P-ATL 3 Child appropriately handles and takes care of classroom materials
P-ATL 4 Child manages actions, words, and behavior with increasing independence
Cognitive Self-Regulation (Executive Functioning)
P-ATL 5 Child demonstrates an increasing ability to control impulses
P-ATL 6 Child maintains focus and sustains attention with minimal adult support
P-ATL 7 Child persists in tasks
P-ATL 8 Child holds information in mind and manipulates it to perform tasks
P-ATL 9 Child demonstrates flexibility in thinking and behavior
Initiative and Curiosity
P-ATL 10 Child demonstrates initiative and independence
P-ATL 11 Child shows interest in and curiosity about the world around them
P-ATL 12 Child expresses creativity in thinking and communication
P-ATL 13 Child uses imagination in play and interaction with others
Domain #2: Social and Emotional Development
Relationships with Adults
P-SE 1 Child engages in and maintains positive relationships and interactions with adults
P-SE 2 Child engages in prosocial and cooperative behavior with adults
Relationships with Other Children
P-SE 3 Child engages in and maintains positive interactions and relationships with other children
P-SE 4 Child engages in cooperative play with other children
P-SE 5 Child uses basic problem-solving to resolve conflicts with other children
Emotional Functioning
P-SE 6 Child expresses a broad range of emotions and recognizes these emotions in self and others
P-SE 7 Child expresses care and concern toward others
P-SE 8 Child manages emotions with increasing independence
Sense of Identity and Belonging
P-SE 9 Child recognizes self as a unique individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotions, and interests
P-SE 10 Child expresses confidence in own skills and positive feelings about self
P-SE 11 Child has a sense of belonging to family, community, and other groups
Domain #3: Language and Literacy
Language and Communication
Attending and Understanding
P-LC 1 Child attends to communication and language from others
P-LC 2 Child understands and responds to increasingly complex communication and language from others
Communicating and Speaking
P-LC 3 Child varies the amount of information provided to meet the demands of the situations
P-LC 4 Child understands, follows, and uses appropriate social and conversational rules
P-LC 5 Child expresses himself in increasingly long, detailed, and sophisticated ways
P-LC 6 Child understands and uses a wide variety of words for a variety of purposes
P-LC 7 Child shows understanding of word categories and relationships among words
Phonological Awareness
P-LIT 1 Child demonstrates awareness that spoken language is composed of smaller segments\of sound
Print and Alphabet Knowledge
P-LIT 2 Child demonstrates an understanding of how print is used (functions of print) and the rules that govern how print works
P-LIT 3 Child identifies letters of the alphabet
Comprehension and Text Structure
P-LIT 4 Child demonstrates an understanding of narrative structure through storytelling/re-telling
P-LIT 5 Child asks and answers questions about a book that was read aloud
Writing P-LIT 6 Child writes for a variety of purposes using increasingly sophisticated marks
Domain #4: Cognition
Mathematics Development
Counting and Cardinality
P-MATH 1 Child knows number names and the count sequence
P-MATH 2 Child recognizes the number of objects in a small set (subitizing)
P-MATH 3 Child understands the relationship between numbers and quantities
P-MATH 4 Child compares numbers
P-MATH 5 Child associates a quantity with written numerals up to 5 and begins to write numbers
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
P-MATH 6 Child understands addition as adding to and understands subtraction as taking away from
P-MATH 7 Child understands simple patterns
P-MATH 8 Child measures objects by their various attributes using standard and non-standard measurement; uses differences in attributes to make comparisons
Geometry and Spatial Sense
P-MATH 9 Child identifies, describes, compares, and composes shapes
P-MATH 10 Child explores the positions of objects in space
Forerunner Skills
FS-1 Child demonstrates classification
FS-2 Child creates equal and unequal sets
FS-3 Child demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
FS-4 Child recognizes, duplicates, and extends simple patterns
FS-5 Child identifies pattern core
FS-6 Child demonstrates order and sequence
Scientific Reasoning
Scientific Inquiry
P-SCI 1 Child observes and describes observable phenomena (objects, materials, organisms, and events)
P-SCI 2 Child engages in scientific talk
P-SCI 3 Child compares and categorizes observable phenomena
Reasoning and Problem Solving
P-SCI 4 Child asks a question, gathers information, and makes predictions
P-SCI 5 Child plans and conducts investigations and experiments
P-SCI 6 Child analyzes results, draws conclusions, and communicates results
Domain #5: Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development
Gross Motor
P-PMP 1 Child demonstrates control, strength, and coordination of large muscles
P-PMP 2 Child uses perceptual information to guide motions and interactions with objects and other people
Fine Motor
P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles
Health, Safety, and Nutrition
P-PMP 4 Child demonstrates personal hygiene and self-care skills
P-PMP 5 Child develops knowledge and skills that help promote nutritious food choices